About Little Gate…

For the young child, learning is synonymous with play.  Climbing the hill is climbing a mountain, folded paper becomes a fine boat sailing the river, a stick is a sturdy staff, a mixing spoon, a telescope.

With our friends we learn to bake the bread we are bakers, when we give water to the small seeds in the garden we are farmers readying for harvest.  Spring’s tender green, summers’ glorious sun, the colorful ripeness of autumn and the warmth of winter’s indoor hearth –the seasons and rhythms of the days and the weeks are the house of life in which we find stability and safety.

Over the years, Little Gate’s Waldorf rooted approach to early childhood has supported many children in the tender transition from home to school. Seasonal activities are celebrated within Little Gate’s home-like classroom and in our large, farm-like garden. Within the rhythm of each day, week and changing season the child’s senses are nourished through meaningful and practical activities. These rich experiences form the healthy foundation for joyful learning and growing in years to come!

A few of the things we enjoy at school…

  • story-time, puppetry and circle games

  • watercolor painting, seasonal handcrafts and activities

  • baking and gardening, caring for the chickens

  • healthful, wholesome home-made snacks and rest-time


“We have been at Little Gate Preschool for over a year and our son loves to go to preschool every day!  He has a lot of energy and Ms Petty is gifted at directing it into positive action –for example, they do a lot of gardening, where he can be a big help!  We love that they go on nature walks once a week where they can discover and appreciate the beauty of nature while getting their energy out. We like the cozy preschool setting and are super thrilled with Little Gate’s yard with a lot of trees, the chickens, a vegetable garden for the children and the best play structure we have ever seen in at a Preschool! Ms Petty takes a huge interest in the children’s health and well-being. She is also a great resource for home remedies and a gluten-free diet.”

Karin and Armin Kick


“We are so happy to have found Little Gate Preschool! What a blessing it is to know that our son is happy and well cared for by Miss Karen who is the kindest, most gentle and loving soul we have ever met. Sudama enjoys his days at school where he has so many opportunities to explore, play with friends and grow with the kindness and personal attention of Miss Karen to guide him. We love the way nature is so gently interwoven into our son’s experiences at school – from the peaceful, natural play room inside to the backyard with sand, straw, chickens and garden.

Thank you Little Gate and Karen for giving our son a home away from home!”

The Mikula Family 



The sun above,
The earth below.
We love them both
Where e’r we go!


Little Gate Pre-school is licensed (Lic. # 343619475), owned and operated by Karen Petty.


This entry was posted on December 11, 2013.